Girls Count is a national-level coalition of over 300 civil organizations across India. Members and the Secretariat are committed to addressing gender-based discrimination, focusing particularly on the Declining Child Sex Ratio (DCSR). The coalition aims to support policy, amplify advocacy, and establish accountability through dialogue, capacity development, community action support, and evidence generation. The coalition’s evolution began in early 2012, with its official founding in 2013.
Mobilising communities to address son preference and daughter unwantedness.
Strengthening policies and changing societal norms to promote gender equality and eliminate gender-biased practices.
Capacity Building
Empowering stakeholders with the knowledge and tools to address gender-biased sex selection and enhance the value of girls.
Generating evidence-based insights to inform strategies and interventions that address the root causes of daughter unwantedness and declining child sex ratio.
Girls Count works with over 300 civil society organisations present across 24 states in the country. Our partners are engaged in community-based advocacy, grassroots-level campaigns, providing skill training, and capacity-building initiatives. With Girls Count’s support, our partners are not only instrumental in building the capacity of stakeholders but are also equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to address gender-biased sex selection and advocate for gender equality, and enhance the value of girls.